Thursday, February 7, 2013

BGAMUG's ace computer fix-it guy, new programs coming up, more

Just saying - Some club news from Betsy.

Our member, Joe Easterling, does computer work. He doesn't talk about it much, except to do free talks about computer safety, computer tips and tricks, and much more.

You can see his website here:

Western Kentucky Computers

He helps get rid of viruses and spyware, and can back up your files too, plus lots of other things.

Just saying! You may want to keep his site on your Bookmarks just in case. It's always good to have a Tech Guy you can call just in case.


We had another Officer's meeting this week. We got some neat presents for next year's Christmas Party that will be given out then. (We got a good deal on them). I can't tell what these presents are, because they might be a secret. But they looked neat.

Some things people are going to be hearing about at future BGAMUG Computer Club meetings are iTunes and the iPhone. I use iTunes and really like it.

I changed my iTunes name and ID and am trying to find out how to get my old info. from that. Maybe I'll ask that question at the presentation meeting.

(Also: I am thinking of getting an iPhone - are you?)

Last but not least: The club is working on getting some computers ready for another club.


Webmaster for the BGAMUG Computer Club, 2013
Bowling Green, Kentucky

Here is our BGAMUG Website - this site also has directions to our meetings.

Also: Join us on Facebook! 

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