The BGAMUG computer club (BGAMUG - the Bowling Green Micocomputer User's Group) is a group based in Bowling Green, Kentucky. You can learn more about your computer, and network with other users there. You can also participate in social events, and more.
This blog has more information about it.
There are some other Computer User's Groups here in Kentucky. Here are a few:
The Central Kentucky Computer Society - Lexington, Kentucky
The Kentucky-Indiana PC Users Group in Louisville - KIPCUG
This group is Kentucky's largest computer users group.
Here are links to other computer user groups in the U.S. and elsewhere. It is a page written by the Space Coast PC User's Group, Inc.
And here is another list:
Macintosh User Groups list:
More Mac User Groups
And Bowling Green has a Commodore club too (scroll down at site)