About Last Night's Meeting of the BGAMUG Computer Club
Jerry shared about how to print out items larger than regular size, free education on the internet, other selling sites besides Ebay, how to put pictures on a computer, what to do when your computer freezes, scanning documents with an OCR program, resizing photos, free education sites, how to save money using online sites, how to streamline your startup information for Windows, and a few SEO tips.
Members shared their liking for Expedia, Priceline, Southwest.com, Travelocity, SoKyShop, the Bowling Green Craiglist site (because you can actually meet a seller) and Hotel.com. Jerry suggests playing with these to see what happens.
Other good advice: use your security programs!
Here are some free education site links from last night's presentation:
This is just PART of what Jerry talked about. Come to our next meeting as our guest (it's free) to find out even more.
E. Sheppard
The BGAMUG Computer Club
The next meeting: (info from the BGAMUG website)