Friday, August 19, 2011

Do YOU want to be an officer?

Are you interested?

We will find out soon which posts are open. Do YOU want to be an officer for the BGAMUG Computer club?

What is being an officer like? Well, you get to share ideas, help make decisions, and get ready for meetings. You can help with events, or write newsletter articles. You can listen to other members and make suggestions for them.

There are a lot of different things you can pick from. It's fun, you get to hang out with pretty neat people, and you are doing a good deed, helping people and making their lives better.

Find out more at the next BGAMUG meeting which is on Tuesday, August 23rd at 6:30 p.m. at the Bowling Green Technical College. Find a map here (scroll down). Visitors are welcome!

Betsy S.
The BGAMUG Computer Club
Bowling Green, Kentucky
Find out more at the website
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