Friday, October 28, 2016

A Message from Jerry G. - - try to log on this Saturday to these great and FREE class videos from APCUG!

Dear BGAMUG Members,
As we announced in the meeting, another great opportunity from APCUG is this Saturday.
Note at 1 PM (track 1) will be lead by our own, Jeri Steele.
Let’s all, please make an effort to participate in this.
Jerry Gillette
2016 FALL
Saturday, November 5
12:00 noon - 3:00 pm CT
Attend the FREE conference from the convenience of your own home! All you need is your computer, tablet, etc. and Internet access. The sessions are 50 minutes in length and offer attendees the opportunity to ask questions via Q&A; the questions are answered by the presenter at the end of the presentation or via e-mail if there isn't enough time after the presentation.
APCUG uses ZOOM for the VTC webinar presentations ( If you have not participated in a VTC, go to  to download the app for the device you will be using to 'attend' the conference.
Videos from earlier conferences can be found on APCUG's YouTube channel
"    To register for this VTC, please click on the below link:
Spread the word by forwarding this e-mail to your members.VTCs are a great way for them to expand their technology experience and be introduced to new skills. Below are the sessions that are currently scheduled.
The Virtual Technology Committee
Judy Taylour, Chair
Francis Chao, Jim Evans, John Kennedy, Jere Minich, Marie Vesta, David Williams
Track 1
12 NOON CT - What to Do When Your Computer Will Not Boot
Francis Chao, Member, WINdows usERS User Group, CA
If your computer will not boot up, Francis has some basic, logical troubleshooting tips for your computer. The tips are from the simple and obvious to more complex procedures.
1 PM CT - Windows 10 Features and Annoyances
Jeri Steele, President, Bowling Green Area Microcomputer User Group, KY
Come see some features of Windows 10 that you may not have discovered yet. Some of these features are just in a different location. Others are buried very deep within menus and right clicks. Along with the usable features there are some annoyances that Jeri has experienced. She will show you how to tame those unruly annoyances.
2 PM CT - 25 Awesome iDevice Tips
Diane McKeever, Author, 101 Amazing Computer Tips
Want to get more out of your iDevices (iPhone/iPad)? This presentation will include some basic productivity tips as well as advanced time saving tips. Get ready to take notes!
12 NOON CT - Staying Safe Online
Pam Holland, President and Instructor, TechMoxie
As we conduct more of our personal lives online, from e-mail to s hopping to even banking, it is so important to understand the best practices for staying safe online. Join us for an informative discussion lead by Pam Holland of on how to recognize phishing (fraudulent) e-mails, avoid computer viruses and scams, and how to find trustworthy information online. The presentation will include a review of actual fraudulent e-mails and scam "pop u" computer virus warnings.
1 PM CT - Find a Grave
Ken & Sue Bixler, Members, East-Central Ohio Technology Users Club
Ken is co-chair of the Linux SIG is a web site resource for genealogical research. Its mission is to find, record and present final disposition information from around the world. Jim Tipton is the founder of Find a Grave…"Thousands of contributors submit new listings, updates, corrections, photographs and virtual flowers every hour. Every day, contributors from around the world enter new records, thousands use the site as an educational reference tool, long-lost loved ones are located and millions of lives are fondly remembered."
Ken and Sue will describe how they use it, what benefits they derive and the services the site provides.
2 PM CT - Must-have Android Apps
Bill James, Vice President, Computer Club of Oklahoma City; APCUG Advisor, Region 8
Life is made easier with apps. Bill will share some of his must-have apps during this presentation. You will be able to share the apps you can't live without with others who attend this session by typing the name of your favorite app(s) in the Chat Box and we'll add them to Bill's presentation and upload the updated presentation to APCUG's website.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Sharing from the FB page.

A little about our BGAMUG Computer Club Meeting Tonight:

I gave a brief synopsis of the BGAMUG Meeting just now at our Facebook page, which is here: and has 56 members right now.

I will have to check to see how many readers we have here!

(Will put on my To do List, which is too long...)

It was fun to see some new faces at the meeting. There is much to type up about this meeting, which I will do later.

We have gotten the Moose Lodge for our party, which is scheduled for December 3rd (a Saturday) and I will be calling the Moose Administrator to see if we can start our Christmas Party at 2 p.m. or 4 p.m. (a little earlier than other years.)

I will be letting Jerry know asap what he says. Hopefully we will have these as choices.

The APCUG Conference was fun.... I got the feeling that Las Vegas was also fun. I told Paula (or somebody) that next time, whoever was going should tack on a couple of extra days so they could do more there. Because there is a LOT to do there, it sounded like.

I will be typing up more notes from the meeting soon. The pizza was good! It has been a long time since I had Godfather's Pizza. We got a good deal on it too.

More info. to come. I thought it was a good meeting. The early meeting time, and pizza, both went over well.


PS It looks like we have 4 Followers for this blog, so I will maybe be inviting others here soon. :-)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Come to the Tuesday BGAMUG Meeting - - This Tuesday, Oct. 25 at 5:30.

Yes, yummy PIZZA is on the agenda for Tuesday's BGAMUG Meeting.

From the FB page:

Attn: Our next meeting of the BGAMUG Computer Club is in two days. It is TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25TH starting at 5:30.





We also will be hearing about the APCUG Conference! AND starting to plan our fun Christmas Party.

And this is from our Newsletter, which Members got via email:

Jerry G. says, "As Paula and I will be returning from the APCUG International Conference, we hope to have some goodies for everyone".

I have my fingers crossed! :-) Because there might not have been very much in the form of giveaways there. Jerry's explained that it's not like before at many of these conferences, but you never know!



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