Saturday, September 1, 2012

Our next meeting is Tuesday, September 25th - and it will be a fun one!

Be prepared to bid on some neat items at our next BGAMUG meeting, which is on Tuesday, September 25th.

This auction looks fun! It is from the Wikimedia Commons pages.

Jerry Gillette has kindly consented to be the Auctioneer for a fun Auction meeting full of computer related items and other useful things. Jerry is so funny when he does events, it will be worth watching just to watch him work. But it will also be fun to buy things too, and support the club.

Members, bring your items to donate to the BGAMUG Computer Club and watch the fun. These can be computer-related or not, but need to be items people will really like and bid on.

And bring money so you can bid on the items too! Any items not sold at the auction go back to their donators to bring home.

I am looking forward a lot to this meeting!

I love auctions and buying things for good prices. Remember, everything you buy helps the BGAMUG Computer club help people learn about computers, and also helps them with donations to help the community and others.

See you there!

This auction hammer is also from the Wikimedia pages.

Betsy S.
Webmaster, 2012
The BGAMUG Computer Club.

Readers: Find out more about the BGAMUG Computer Club here at the BGAMUG website.


E. Sheppard

Webmaster, 2012

The BGAMUG Computer Club.

Also: join us on Facebook here. 

And thanks for visiting our Blog today!
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