Hi, all! Here is a very brief synopsis of What's Happening in BGAMUG right now.
The Christmas Party went really well, missed those of you who could not make it.
We switched over Officer Information on Tuesday.
Sharon is getting information together to put out or Newsletter this month. Thanks, Sharon!
We do NOT have a meeting in December. A heads up.
So have a WONDERFUL Christmas and Holiday, Yule/Winter Solstice, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, a Happy New Year, and whatever other holiday you celebrate this season.
The temperature is dropping this week, and it is beginning to seem more like Winter to me. I like the change in seasons though, so this will be nice. Will we have a White Christmas? I don't know.
Be looking for my President's Message and other articles in the Newsletter this month for some great plans for the new year, and what you can do to help too! Don't worry, they are pretty easy things.
Here is hoping for a GREAT 2017 also.
Also - don't forget - MARK YOUR CALENDAR: our January Meeting is 6:00 p.m. at Hillview Heights Room 300 (our regular meeting room) on Tuesday, January 24th.
Bring a drink to go with the PIZZA. Be there or be square!
BGAMUG-ly Yours,
Betsy Sheppard
President, The BGAMUG Computer Club
lizann447@yahoo.com - email me anytime with ideas, suggestions, and more.
BGAMUG Computer Club - - The Place for Friendship, Fun, and Learning!