Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Hi again! Just checking in. Another meeting of the Nomination Committee is tonight.

Hi BGAMUG'ers!

Our next BGAMUG Meeting is TUESDAY, JULY 26th
at Hillview Heights Church

Be there or be square.

Bring a friend too if you like.

! :-)

We have another Committee Meeting tonight. We hope to discuss our ideas with our President, Jeri S. C.G. and I will be there too.

I can't wait to share our ideas.

If you are interested in serving as an Officer, we need you! Come help this year and get the club back on track.

I'd hate for it to have to close down. I have too many friends here to just say goodbye to them. Ack.

So, hope is there. We think if everyone helps, we can start adding members again and starting to plan events, more speakers, etc. and giving the present Officers a BREAK.

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Hope things are going well for you!

Remember, We CAN do it!

Betsy Sheppard
Nomination Committee
BGAMUG Computer Club
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