Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Hi from Betsy - - I and another member are meeting this week or next to see who to phone - - Officers are needed.

Hi, all! I saw that a bunch of people went to this blog today!

I have not posted here for a long time. I am no longer the Webmaster or an Officer, but plan to help next year. I also just volunteered to be on the Nomination Committee for the Club.

BUT I can tell you the members who attended last week's meeting voted to try to KEEP the BGAMUG group going last week. They will have another vote in a month or two about that. C.J. and I are meeting in the next couple of weeks and coming up with a plan to get more members and officers for the club.

The current officers would like to take a break. Some have been doing "double duty" for a long time. If you are interested in serving as an Officer for a year or even for an emergency basis until we find somebody else, let us know.

You can contact me at 270-779-4152 (cell phone) or by email at

I have C.J.s contact info. at home, (I'm downtown today) and will let him know right away when people contact me.

Here is a list of the officers we need:
VP of Membership
VP of Technology
Program Director
Officer at Large (2)

I will be hunting down the Job Descriptions for these soon too. :-) I think I have a copy of the Constitution and ByLaws on my other computer.

Here is a link to the Newsletter and Meeting news from June.

If you do not hear from us a day or two after you send a message, then please phone me.

I hope you had a GREAT 4th of July!

And look for a possible call from one or both of us soon.

BGAMUG-ly Yours,
Betsy Sheppard
BGAMUG Nomination Committee Member

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