Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Updates! Two Facebook pages for two titles, Nov. is voting month, more.

Hello out there! 

This the one of the BGAMUG Computer Club's social media options. Now we also have TWO Facebook pages. AND the website has been updated too.

Here is the original Facebook page (join if you are not there yet): The BGAMUG Computer Club - and here is the second page: The Bowling Green Microcomputer User Group page. We voted to change our name, but it is not official yet on our paperwork. So mostly, I try to share what I see on ONE page to the other lately. They are "linked" pages. I have not figured what this can mean for each group - yet.

Off to another subject: Have you considered an Officer position for next year? NOW is the time to let me or another Officer know if you want to submit a name for consideration. We have had people already say they want to step up. ALL of the positions are open until the election. The more people we can get to do this, the better the Club can be and the more FUN events, etc. we can do.

I will still be helping, MAYBE as somebody helping with new members.

AND I will be sharing with the group my TIPS for creating a Take Action group on Facebook. I hope you will really like this Presentation.

We'll see if Jerry will also be presenting about his Alexa (?) machine.

I hope everyone is doing well! I will try much harder to post here, at least once a month or so. Yes, I know, if wishes were horses...

Elizabeth "Betsy" Sheppard
The BGAMUG Computer Club
Our Website
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