Sunday, January 15, 2012

Other Computer groups in Kentucky A - Kentucky groups

BGAMUG is a well-known computer club in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Their website is really cute. :-) It will be updated this year too probably and made more easy to navigate.

This interesting photographic mosaic is by photo by oztenphoto on Flickr

Some other computer clubs in Kentucky have some interesting websites too. I think it would be fun to visit some of these other clubs sometime. In the meantime, I think I can get some good ideas for the website from their sites too.

Here are a few other computer clubs and User Groups with websites and links to explore.

1. The Central Kentucky Computer Society
(Lexington) They have a page for Joe's Top 50 Tips here.

2. The Richmond Computer Club (a smaller site)

3. The Computer Club for Seniors (in Lexington at the Public Library) I think this one is just starting up.

4. KIPCUG - the Kentucky-Indiana Computer User Group in Louisville, Kentucky. This club has removeable bumper stickers and custom mugs for the group.

I know there are more sites - I'll just have to find them. It might be fun to list Nashville clubs next. Nashville is not far from here.

Oh - and check out APCUG on Facebook - they have some neat events listed here. They are also on Twitter. (BGAMUG is a member of APCUG.)

All for now - Happy Computing!

BGAMUG Webmaster, 2012

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