Thursday, March 29, 2012

About our last meeting Tues. PM - learning about tablets and iPhones

I enjoyed our last BGAMUG Computer Club meeting Tuesday evening. 

We got to touch Jerry's tablet computer, and see how photos are easy to view. There are many kinds of tablets to choose from, and Jerry shared the story of getting his on sale. (I will add the name as soon as I can find the notes!)

Jeri showed us her iPhone, and explained it has two different cameras on it - one in front and one in back. I liked this feature.

Both people said they carry a tablet with them instead of a laptop when they go on vacation. A tablet is lighter and easier to carry.

People can upload photos many ways on a tablet too. Professional photographers may need to ask what is compatible with their tablet.

People talked also about Kindles. The latest Kindles will also take you online more. AND you can get many free ebooks to read on them.

I personally have a Kindle 3 which I won in an online contest. I like it, but it is darker than I like, so I will be adding a light to it soon.

Do you have a Kindle, a SmartPhone, iPhone, or tablet? Learning how they work, and trying out neat apps can be very fun. Plus, (as Jerry or Jeri said) you can keep up with your sons, daughters, and grandchildren if you learn how to use these new computers and phones.

Betsy S.
Webmaster, 2012
The BGAMUG Computer Club

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